
Beware of the caravan scammers

There are a horrendous number of caravans stolen every week, particularly in the UK. Being involved with a large number of pages and groups on Facebook we have noticed an increasing number of 'caravan wanted' posts. The current one is Kate Smith  who has appeared in various guises for the last few weeks When you look at the profile, the picture is a pretty young girl with no history or friends (or in this case random friends from all over the world - as we know some people will accept any friend requests) and is referred to as him or he. Alarm bells ring at Monster Moovers. He /she lives in Trowbridge, works for a bank in Portugal and has the Durdle door as a cover photo and is advertising to buy a caravan on an English / Spanish camping page.
When you do a google image search for the profile picture, it is picked from some random Portuguese blog about Spring...
People respond to the post and give the person their phone number and address and tell them when they are in (or not). DO NOT respond to these posts. If you wanted to buy a caravan, you would look on caravan trader or similar or go to a dealer, right? Beware, please spread the word and make sure your caravan has a wheel clamp and a hitch lock! Needless to say, we have reported the profile.