
Caravan delivered to Marjal Costa Blanca campsite

Not much to report, just a caravan delivered onto the Marjal Costa Blanca campsite in Spain.

5th wheel electric brakes and tyres

The amount of enquiries we are getting to move old 5th wheels. There are some being sold on ebay, amongst other places, that people want moving. They have been stood for years to the extent that they have gone 'green'. No information is available on the electrical connections, whether the brakes work or not. They have been stood on their original tyres for, who knows how long.

If you want a 5th wheel of this nature moving, it either needs a full inspection / overhaul of the running gear, brakes and tyres, at a minimum, by someone qualified / experienced with knowledge of electric brakes or a low loader and crane.

Having said that, there is nothing wrong with an old 5th wheel that has been properly maintained and serviced but beware if buying one and you want it moving. It is well worth noting that tyre damage and damage caused by defective tyres (which can run into £1,000s as the tyre comes apart and rips the trailer to pieces) is generally excluded from insurance policies. As a general rule, the tyres on a 5th wheels, travel trailers and caravans should be changed at a maximum five years old.

Regarding the electric brakes on American caravans, they need to work... period! They should be checked and serviced every year if trailer is being used, and if it has been stood, they need to be inspected and serviced before any journey. It's just common sense that is too often overlooked.

No brakes......

The result of poor tyre maintenance

5th wheel delivery Stonehaven to Somerset

After we delivered the 5th wheel in Devon, we got a call for another move from Aberdeenshire going to Yeovil in Somerset. Great timing as we were in the UK and we got straight on it! The 5th wheel in question was a 36' Eurocruiser, that had been sold on Ebay.

The collection point was a remote farmhouse at the end of a narrow track about half a mile long. It was briefly discussed with the previous owners that this would be the most difficult part of the journey. However, we couldn't have been more wrong!

The site the 5th wheel was delivered to, had a very narrow entrance, off a very narrow road. Another mission impossible... Eventually after some creative shunting and the use of a kind neighbour's drive, she went in with millimetres to spare. Needless to say, the new owners were very happy.

Hitched up and ready to go in Stonehaven

Another angle

Another truckstop

At the services

Yet another truckstop...

It wouldn't go directly in the gate but the neighbour let us use their drive

Still not much room

A short shunt

and in she came

The last narrow bit

It's new home for a while. Part of the narrow access can be seen on the left.

5th wheel delivery Spain to UK

Last week we collected a 5th wheel from Alicante, Spain for delivery to Devon, UK. The trailer was a 2012 31' Cougar that had been sold on Ebay. There was a small issue with the converted trailer lights but fortunately, we carry everything and simply put our the trailer board on the back. End of problem.

The trip was straightforward and the Cougar was nice and light with a gross weight of only 4600kg. Once again, French customs (Duane) took an interest in us. In central France they now have a full size mobile x-ray machine!

We opted for the Calais to Dover crossing this time as it was the most cost effective. With the problem in Calais of illegal immigrants, we never stop within 100km of the port and on arrival, customs again checked the trailer. Of course, everything was in order.

Another happy customer...

Collecting the 5th wheel near Alicante

5th wheel Cougar checked and ready for it's 1500 mile journey

The 5th wheel wouldn't go through the drive through

Only six parking spaces required

Parked with the 5th wheel in France

5th wheel and F350 in France

Waiting for the ferry at Calais

5th wheel at another truck stop in the UK

Total combination 15m long