Fixing tyres and Hobby

 Hobby from La Manga to Mazarrón today. Then got a tyre repaired from a customers 5th wheel.


 Something a little different today. Speedboat collected and into storage.

House Move

Helping out with a house move. The transit comes in handy.

Collection in Almeria

Down to Roquetas De Mar today to collect this 5th wheel. Into storage and getting ready to be sold.

To storage in Alicante

 From La Manga back to storage in Alicante.

ITV day

 Two cars in for ITV today, both passed with flying colours.

Stored for another year

 Another caravan collected in Alicante and brought into storage until next years holiday.

Big Buccaneer

 Quick trip to La Manga then Alicante this morning.

Coming For Sale Soon

Another caravan into storage today and we collected one which will be for sale soon.   

Back to storage

Back into storage until next winter. 

Size Doesn't Matter

Our little trailer has been out and about working today for a change. It may be small but it got the job done.

Cranes and Trailers

 Transporting a large 750kg generator and it's cover.

Repairs and Servicing

A trip to the diesel specialist this morning to collect a customers motorhome.

Turbo fixed ✔️

Fuel problem fixed ✔️

Full major service ✔️

Back to storage ✔️

Ready for it's holidays now.

Busy Transport Day

Busy morning today starting in La Manga and ending in Alicante, 3 caravans delivered, 1 trailer and one airport transfer and a motorhome back into storage.

Busy, Busy...

 Another hectic week of chasing paperwork, ITVs, repairs, preparation for plate changes etc...